Before you vote, read this…

Since the Liberal Government enacted a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in NB in 2014, the research and news articles on its impacts on communities have increased exponentially.  We now have thousands of  studies demonstrating the social, health and environmental harms people experience in frack zones.

We have summarized the latest research on fracking and health, with links to the studies.

Based on this and other research, on May 9, 2024, groups of physicians, nurses and public health professionals, led by the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, published an open letter to Premier Blaine Higgs, and called for a permanent ban on fracking in New Brunswick due to unacceptable health risks.  (French press release here)

Yet, Blaine Higgs wants you to believe that fracking for shale gas would be good for New Brunswick. He wants to lift the moratorium and restart fracking.

Before New Brunswickers head to the polls this October, they should read the latest on the health impacts associated with fracking before making a decision on whether to vote for a party that will allow oil and gas development, rather than a party that supports maintaining the existing moratorium or a ban.

Need more convincing?

Health Research on Fracking – we’ve summarized the latest research on fracking and health, with links to the studies.

What you need to know about fracking’s impact on fresh water – “As severe Alberta drought looms, fracking consumes huge volumes of water — forever” – The Narwhal, March 11, 2024

Quick Facts on Shale Gas English ; Quick Facts on Shale Gas Français –  Short summaries of the many issues associated fracking including water, earthquakes, infrastructure, climate and more.

Comments on NB’s Energy Roadmap – Our views on the government’s future energy plans, including renewable energy, Small Nuclear Reactors, hydrogen, biomass, carbon capture, gas and more.