The New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance values our basic human right to fresh air, clear water, a healthy environment and a prosperous future for our children and grandchildren.

We represent the interests of all New Brunswickers opposed to unconventional shale gas and oil exploration and development.  We believe that clean energy alternatives will provide New Brunswick with a brighter, more secure future.

We work to increase public awareness of the serious environmental impacts that have accompanied the development of unconventional oil and gas resources and its long-term negative economic consequences.

We promote awareness of the sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels that would improve New Brunswick’s economy without contributing to climate change.

Our numbers include dozens of grassroots community organizations – Anglophone, Francophone, First Nations and all Peoples – and our work is supported by several of the nation’s largest union groups, which have also called for a moratorium on unconventional fossil fuel extraction.

The NB Anti-Shale Gas Alliance is formed of volunteers. We strive to provide information, when possible, in French, however our resources are limited. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

The NB Anti-Shale Gas Alliance –(L’alliance anti-gas de schiste) du N.-B. est formée de bénévoles. Sachez que nous nous efforçons d’offrir le plus d’information possible en français.  Nous apprécierions donc votre compréhension à ce sujet.


Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the use of renewable energy and advocate for a continued moratorium on the exploration and development of fossil fuel reserves in New Brunswick.

Our work is guided by values of peaceful, non-violent action and decision-making by consensus. Our vision is shaped by integrity and mutual respect, non-partisan ideals, inclusiveness, solidarity and assertiveness.

We encourage public power for the public good, and value local community autonomy and quality of life for future generations.